The speed demon, golden chair of pain abolition has arrived in Wirraway Estate, Thornton, offering 30 minute focused massage treatments.
Now...personally, I always feel a little dissatisfied with a short treatment, it is a bit down and dirty, rough and tumble with shorter lasting results, so I would always recommend you make time for a full body massage, to address issues tip-toe, but in reality that isn't always possible and in todays society, of tight neck, back, and shoulders, sometimes a good old, 30 minute chair pit stop to get into the direct trouble spots, is enough to give us back some range of motion, and keep us out of trouble long enough to not curl into a ball of pain, whilst we await a break in the schedule for a longer massage.....right !!
So, the Golden chair, is here and we're ready to rumble with your pain, anytime! anywhere! - in-studio, office or mobile!. For more info or to book, check out our in-studio Chair Massage here. Please contact us directly if you're interested in Corporate Massage for your employees.
Mahalo, and much Aloha - Bel